Are Spreadsheets Sabotaging Your Construction Projects?

Ever considered how a single spreadsheet error could cause monumental financial chaos for your contracting or homebuilder business? Well, it has happened before. An error once cost Fidelity Magellan Fund a staggering $3 billion. A small oversight led a Sheriff’s department in Washington to lose $500,000, and even mighty Kodak wasn’t spared—thanks to one misplaced zero on a severance check that led to a $11 million check.

These inefficiencies stretch beyond financial losses. Relying on tools like Excel can cost managers up to 28 days per year in lost productivity, tarnishing reputations and impacting the bottom line.

The transformative solution involves adopting digital tools like virtual inspections, permitting, and plan reviews. Companies such as Inspected are leading the way in this arena. Inspected’s platform offers remote video inspections tailored to contractors, including roofers, HVAC technicians, solar installers, and pool builders. Their proprietary technology stack has been rolled out in licensed locations across Florida, Austin, TX, and Greater Atlanta, GA.

Inspected’s performance speaks volumes: last year alone, they approached 50K inspections and 3K plan reviews. Over 150 active clients in more than 250 municipalities now benefit from their services, experiencing a 50% reduction in both inspection costs and time. Plan reviews with Inspected average a 48-hour turnaround, starkly contrasting the months it could take without such technology.

The upcoming integration of Permit Hub into Service Titan will streamline these processes further. This partnership will make inspection results instantaneous and significantly reduce the administrative burden. Service Titan’s platform consolidates data and automates documentation, making job scheduling and communication more efficient.

Moreover, Permit Hub allows for remote notarization directly at a customer’s home, ensuring that compliance with local regulations is seamless and uncompromised. For example, solar permit closures typically take up to three months. They can now be completed in less than four weeks with inspection. HVAC permits can be closed within 24 hours post-inspection.

The integration between Service Titan and Inspected exemplifies the future of construction management, where technology enhances efficiency and redefines it. It’s about making more intelligent decisions, safeguarding resources, and fostering growth in the competitive construction industry.